BHCC Annual Raft-Up Weekend 2017 (1)
Wed, 31 Oct
|Americas Bay / Refuge Bay
Commodore Bruce Callaghan invites you to join your fellow BHCC members for a fun weekend of BBQ's, picnics and pot luck dinners. Enjoy kayaking, fishing, beach cricket or a swim

31 Oct 2018, 12:00 pm
Americas Bay / Refuge Bay
Friday 10 November:
1200 hours to late – arrival of boats and raft up to allocated vessels (weather permitting)
1800 hours – club sponsored Sausage Sizzle on designated vessels/BYO drinks
Saturday 11 November:
Morning – range of activities ie kayak cruise around bay/fishing
Lunchtime – head to a nearby beach in tenders for a picnic lunch/game of cricket
Afternoon – free time to do as little or as much as you would like!
1800 hours –savoury heat-up dish or dessert to share on designated vessels/BYO drinks
Sunday 12 November:
Morning – range of activities ie kayak cruise around bay/fishing
Morning Tea with the Commodore
Lunchtime – free time to do as little or as much as you would like!
Afternoon – boats will start to break off as required to return home